We are grateful to God who is our provider. We also acknowledge that in his sovereignty He has graciously chosen to use a great number of associates, partners and friends of the fellowship to meet most of our needs over the years. These supporters cut across various works of life and from various cultural backgrounds. God continues to humble us by the generosity of NIFES supporters; people just like you.
Praying out our hearts to God - “In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. ” ― John Bunyan. Too busy to pray for NIFES? “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” ― Martin Luther
Our achievements thus far have been made possible by God through the donations of our associate & friends of the fellowship. Giving now or making a commitment to give will help us to achieve our vision and build tomorrow»s leaders today
The fields (campuses) are indeed ripe for harvest.NIFES needs more staff to help cover effectively the campuses. You can chose to come as a full time staff, Associate Training Secretaries to be assigned to a campus or Volunteer with any NIFES office nation wide.
Study after study in the field of youth development makes it clear that the single most important thing that can make a positive difference in the life of a young person is the presence of a caring adult. —Mark Yaconelli