“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12 Verse 2

For many years, I honestly struggled to say, “God said this or that to me,” as confidently as brother “so and so”. Occasionally, I would testify that God led me in supernatural ways, but this was not the norm with me. As I read about men in Scriptures, I see that they mostly committed their steps to God and trusted Him for guidance.

One of the sincere desires that sometimes raise anxiety among Christian students is discerning God’s will for their lives. Are there instructions in our text on discerning the will of God?

The key area of your life God wishes to deal with is your mind. Until the word of God richly dwells in you and constantly renews your mind, you will struggle to obey God’s will, even if He tells you. It is amazing how much the Scriptures have revealed God’s will and desire. For instance, if we have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5); if we love God and our neighbor; if we are content and or eternity-conscious; knowing God’s will most of the times will not be as challenging.

You must return to the Word. Stop jumping from Prophets to Prophets. Yes, there are points Scriptures may not be directly clear on, but James 1:5-6 tells us that God gives wisdom if we ask. So, pray, seek counsel, and engage more time studying the Word.

BIBLE READING: Romans 12:1-8

PRAYERDear Father, renew my mind as I give myself to the study of your Word.

Chima Ezirim


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